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The back of the house. The front is on stilts as per the lovely picture done by the children on the cover of the book above - click on it and wait for the download to see all the writing and artwork the children made in drama, writing and art workshops I ran after this visit

The children enjoy the Victorian living room. Each room in the house is decorated according to a different period of its history

Look out for the wonderful painting of this 'Feathers' window done by one of the children in the book

Look for the painting of this in the book

Experimenting with an early phone

Chinese wallpaper illustrated in the book

Enjoying an 18th Century bed...

Tudor bed


The attic room. The colour and the beams inspired one child to paint a picture that forms the back of the book

The dovecote

Getting the children to think up ideas for writing and art for the book at the end of their visit

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