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Rehearsals for Handbag -The Musical! with Janys at the front and choreographer Cariad Morgan on the chair

Handbag - The Musical! for Theatre in the Quarter Chester and featuring the 60 strong Choir A Handbag of Harmonies (finalists in Last Choir Standing BBC TV)

Choreographer Cariad Morgan and Janys

The Handbag of Harmonies Choir rehearsing for Handbag - The Musical!

Rehearsals with the Choir, Sarra Cooper and Erin Elston

Sarra Cooper performing as Jessica in Handbag - The Musical!

Sarra Cooper and Keddy Sutton as Jessica and Kimberley

Sarra Cooper watches telly, Keddy Sutton sings, Carol Rannard is quietly unhappy

Jessica and Kimberley shopping with the Choir onstage

Keddy Sutton and Carol Rannard

Matt Baker Musical Director

Catherine Jones as the little old lady customer hugs Matt Baker

Amanda Whittington as the cafe owner

The finale

Erin Elston on sax with the Choir

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